Publication categories
journal papers
- G. Bainier, B. Marx, J.C. Ponsart, Common quadratic
Lyapunov functions for sets of second-order linear
systems: a simple graphical criterion, IEEE
Control Systems Letters (L-CSS), Vol. 8, pp. 1889-1894,
- B. Marx, D. Ichalal, J. Ragot, Interval
state estimation for uncertain polytopic systems,
International Journal of Control, Vol. 93(11), pp.
2564-2576, 2020.
- B. Marx, D. Ichalal, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, S. Mammar, Unknown
input observer for LPV systems, Automatica, Vol.
100, pp. 67-74, 2019.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, S. Mammar, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, How to
cope with unmeasurable premise variables in
Takagi-Sugeno observer design: Dynamic extension
approach, Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, Vol. 67, pp. 430-435, 2018.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
estimation of system with bounded uncertain
parameters: interval multi-model approach,
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal
Processing, Vol. 32(3), pp. 480-493, 2018.
- D. Koenig, B. Marx, S. Varrier, Filtering
and fault estimation of descriptor switched systems,
Automatica, Vol. 63, pp. 116-121, 2016.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, S. Mammar, D. Maquin, Sensor
fault tolerant control of nonlinear Takagi-Sugeno
systems. Application to vehicle lateral dynamics,
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
Vol. 26(7), pp. 1376-1394, 2016.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
output feedback control for Takagi-Sugeno systems with
saturated actuators, International Journal of
Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, Vol. 30, pp.
888-905, 2016.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
constrained tracking control for nonlinear systems,
Vol. 352, pp. 2866-2886, Journal of the Franklin
Institute, 2015.
- B. Marx, A
descriptor Takagi-Sugeno apporach to nonlinear model
reduction, Linear Algebra and its Applications,
Vol. 479, pp. 52-72, 2015.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Fault
detection, isolation and estimation for Takagi-Sugeno
nonlinear systems, Journal of the Franklin
Institute, Vol. 351(7), pp. 3651-3676, 2014.
- T. Bouarar, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Fault
tolerant control for uncertain Takagi-Sugeno systems
by trajectory tracking: a descriptor approach, IET
Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 4(14), pp.
1793-1805, 2013.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Nonlinear
Joint State and Parameter Estimation : Application to
a Wastewater Treatment Plant, Control Engineering
and Practice, Vol. 21(10), pp. 1377-1385, 2013.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Nonlinear
system identification using heterogeneous multiple
models, Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Computer Science, Vol. 23(1), 2013.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, New fault
tolerant control strategies for nonlinear
Takagi-Sugeno systems, International Journal of
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol. 22(1),
pp. 197-210, 2012.
- A.M. Nagy Kiss, B. Marx, G. Mourot, G. Schutz, J.
Ragot, State
of two-time scale multiple models. Application to
wastewater treatment plant, Control
Engineering Practice, Vol. 19(11), pp. 1354-1362,
- A.M. Nagy Kiss, B. Marx, G. Mourot, G. Schutz, J.
Ragot, Observer
design for uncertain Takagi-Sugeno systems with
unmeasurable premise variables and unknown inputs.
Application to a wastewater treatment plant,
Journal of Process Control, Vol. 21(7), pp. 1105-1114,
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, State
estimation of Takagi-Sugeno systems with unmeasurable
premise variables, IET Control Theory and
Applications, Vol. 4(5), pp. 897-908, 2010.
- A.M. Nagy, G. Mourot, B. Marx, J. Ragot, G. Schutz, Systematic
multi-modeling methodology applied to an activated
sludge reactor model, Industrial & Engineering
Chemistry Research, Vol. 46(6), pp. 2790-2799, 2010.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, On the
simultaneous state and unknown input
estimation of complex systems via a multiple model
strategy, IET Control Theory and
Applications, Vol. 3(7), pp. 877-890, 2009.
- D. Koenig, B. Marx, H°° filtering and state feedback
control for discrete time switched descriptor systems,
IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 3(6), pp.
661-670, 2009.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
estimation for nonlinear systems using decoupled
multiple model, International Journal of
Modelling, Identification and Control, Vol. 4(1), pp.
59-67, 2008.
- D. Koenig, B. Marx, D. Jacquet, Unknown input observers for
switched nonlinear discrete time descriptor systems,
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 53, pp.
373-379, 2008.
- B. Marx, D. Koenig, J. Ragot, Design of observers for
Takagi–Sugeno descriptor systems with unknown inputs
and application to fault diagnosis,
IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol.1, no. 5,
pp. 1487-1495, 2007.
- B. Marx, D. Koenig, D. Georges, Robust fault
tolerant control for descriptor systems, IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 49, pp.
1869-1875, 2004.
National journal papers
- J. Ragot, B. Marx, D. Maquin, Capteur
logiciel pour la détection de modes de fonctionnement,
Instrumentation, Mesure, Métrologie, Vol 15 (3/4), pp.
95-115, 2016.
- D.H. Trinh, B. Marx, P. Goupil, J. Ragot, Détection de
pannes oscillatoires dans le système de commande de
vol d'un avion, Instrumentation, Mesure,
Métrologie, Vol. 11(3/4), pp. 131-148, 2011.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Multi-observateurs à
entrées inconnues pour un système de Takagi-Sugeno à
variables de décision non mesurables, Revue e-STA,
sélection d'articles de la Conférence Internationale
Francophone en Automatique (CIFA'08), Vol. 6, no2,
Contributions to books
- R. Orjuela, D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot,
models for observer and fault-tolerant control designs,
in New Trends in Observer-based Control. An introduction
to design approaches and engineering applications, O.
Boubaker, Q. Zhu, M.S. Mahmoud, J. Ragot, H.R. Karimi
and J. Davila ed., Elsevier 2019.
- A.M. Nagy-Kiss, G. Schutz, B. Marx, G. Mourot, J.
Ragot, Reducing
complexity of nonlinear systems, in Advances in
Complex Societal, Environmental and Engineered Systems,
M. Nemiche and M. Essaaidi ed., Springer, ISBN
978-3319461632, 2017.
- D.H. Trinh, B. Marx, P. Goupil, J. Ragot, Oscillatory
Failure Detection in the Flight Control System of a
Civil Aircraft Using Soft Sensor, in New Sensors
and Processing Chains, N. Yaakoubi and J.H. Thomas ed.,
Wiley, ISBN 978-1848216266, 2014.
- T. Boukhobza, F. Hamelin, B. Marx, G. Mourot, A.N.
Nagy, J. Ragot, D.E.C. Belkhiat, K. Guelton, D. Jabri,
N. Manamanni, S. Martinez, N. Messai, V. Cocqempot, A.
Hakem, K.M. Pekpe, T. Zouari, M. Defoort, M. Djemai, J.
Van Gorp, Diagnosis of systems with multiple operating
modes, in Supervision and Safety of Complex Systems, N.
Matta ed., Wiley 2012.
- T. Boukhobza, F. Hamelin, B. Marx, G. Mourot, A.N.
Nagy, J. Ragot, D.E.C. Belkhiat, K. Guelton, D. Jabri,
N. Manamanni, S. Martinez, N. Messai, V. Cocqempot, A.
Hakem, K.M. Pekpe, T. Zouari, M. Defoort, M. Djemai, J.
Van Gorp, Diagnostic des systèmes à modes multiples de
fonctionnement, in Supervision, Surveillance et Sûreté
de Fonctionnement des Grands Systèmes, N Matta ed.
Hermès, 2012.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Observer
Design and Fault Tolerant Control of Takagi-Sugeno
Nonlinear Systems with Unmeasurable Premise Variables,
in Fault Diagnosis in Robotic and Industrial Systems, G.
Rigatos ed., Concept Press Ltd, 2012.
- D. Maquin, J. Ragot, B. Marx, Surveillance
et diagnostic, in Automatique : Du cahier des
charges à la réalisation de systèmes, R. Husson ed.,
Dunod, ISBN 978-2-10-050397-1, 2007.
International conference
- G. Bainier, B. Marx, J.C. Ponsart, An unified
modelling of dead-zone, dead-band, hysteresis, and
other faulty local behaviors of actuators and sensors,
IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and
Safety of Technical Processes, SAFEPROCESS, 2024.
- G. Bainier, B. Marx, J.C. Ponsart,
Bézier controllers
and observers for Takagi-Sugeno models, American
Control Conference, ACC, 2024.
- G. Bainier, B. Marx, J.C. Ponsart, Modelling
a broad class of actuator saturations using
Takagi-Sugeno models with a reduced number of local
models, American Control Conference, ACC, 2024.
- G. Bainier, B. Marx, J.C. Ponsart, Bounding the Trajectories
of Continuous-Time LPV Systems with Parameters known
in Real Time, IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter
Varying Systems, IFAC Joint SSCS, TDS, LPVS, 2022.
- M. Brakna, B. Marx, V.T. Pham, A.Khelassi, D. Maquin,
J. Ragot,
component location for PI observer based active
control of a galvanizing process, IFAC Workshop on
Control of Complex Systems, IFAC
COSY, 2022.
- M. Brakna, B. Marx, V.T. Pham, A.Khelassi, D. Maquin,
J. Ragot, Sensor
and actuator optimal location for robust control of a
galvanizing process, IFAC Workshop in the Mining,
Mineral and Metal Industries, IFAC
MMM, 2021.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, State
estimation and fault detection for 2D discrete-time
systems, Mediterranean Conference on Control
Automation, MED, 2018
- B. Marx, Zs. Lendek, Local observer design for
discrete-time TS systems, IFAC World Congress,
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, A method
to avoid the unmeasurable premise variables in
observer design for discrete time TS systems, IEEE
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE,
2016. (slides)
- B. Marx, D. Ichalal, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Operating
mode recognition. Application to a griding process,
IFAC Workshop in the Mining, Mineral and Metal
Industries, IFAC MMM, 2016.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Actuator
Fault diagnosis: H_infty framework with relative
degree notion, IFAC International Conference on
Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences, IFAC ICONS,
- B. Marx, A
descriptor Takagi-Sugeno approach to frequency
weighted nonlinear model reduction, IEEE
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE,
2015. (slides)
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Unknown
input observers for LPV systems with parameter varying
output equation. IFAC Symposium on Fault
Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical
Processes, SAFEPROCESS, 2015. (slides)
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
tracking control for Takagi-Sugeno models, IEEE
Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, MSC, 2014.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Finite
Memory State Observer Design for Polytopic
systems. Application to Sensor Fault Diagnosis,
IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control,
MSC, 2014.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
and multiplicative sensor fault estimation for
nonlinear systems. International Conference on
Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, SysTol, 2013.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Stabilization
of Nonlinear Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation,
IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems,
FUZZ-IEEE, 2013. (slides)
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Model
Reference Tracking Control for Nonlinear Systems
described by Takagi-Sugeno Structure, IEEE
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE,
2013. (slides)
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
and parameter estimation for nonlinear systems: a
Takagi Sugeno Approach, American
Control Conference, ACC, 2013.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Contribution
to the constrained output feedback control,
American Control Conference, ACC, 2013. (slides)
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Stabilization
of nonlinear systems subject to uncertainties and
actuator saturation, American Control
Conference, ACC, 2013.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
and parameter estimation for time-varying systems: a
Takagi-Sugeno approach, IFAC Joint Conference,
5th Symposium on System Structure and Control, SSSC,
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin,
J. Ragot, Observer for Lipschitz nonlinear
systems: mean value theorem and sector nonlinearity
transformation, IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems
and Control, MSC, 2012.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin,
J. Ragot, Observer
Design for State and Clinker Hardness Estimation in
Cement Mill, IFAC Workshop in the Mining,
Mineral and Metal Industries, IFAC MMM, 2012.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Advances
in observer design for Takagi-Sugeno systems with
unmeasurable premise variables, Mediterranean
Conference on Control and Automation, MED, 2012.
- A. M. Nagy Kiss, B. Marx, G. Mourot,
G. Schutz, J. Ragot, Observer
synthesis for uncertain nonlinear systems. Application
to waste-water treatment plants, IFAC Symposium on
Robust Control Design, ROCOND, 2012.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin,
J. Ragot, Nonlinear observer based sensor fault
tolerant control for nonlinear systems, IFAC
Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of
Technical Processes, SAFEPROCESS, 2012.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, On the
unknown input observer design: a decoupling class
approach, IEEE International
Conference on Control & Automation, ICCA,
- A.M. Nagy Kiss, B. Marx, G. Mourot, J. Ragot, State
estimation for nonlinear system diagnosis using
multiple models. Application to wastewater treatment
plants, Annual Conference of the European Safety
and Reliability Association, ESREL, 2011. (slides)
- T. Bouarar, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Design of fault tolerant control for
nonlinear systems subject to time varying faults,
Annual Conference of the European Safety
and Reliability Association, ESREL, 2011. (slides)
- T. Bouarar, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot,
tolerant tracking control for continuous
Takagi-Sugeno systems with time varying faults,
Mediterranean Conference on Control and
Automation, MED, 2011.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx,
J. Ragot, D. Maquin, On
observer design for nonlinear Takagi-Sugeno systems
with unmeasurable premise variable. International Symposium on Advanced
Control of Industrial Processes, ADCONIP, 2011.
- A.M. Nagy, B. Marx, G. Mourot, G. Schutz, J. Ragot, State
estimation of two-time scale multiple models with
unmeasurable premise variables. Application to
biological reactors, IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, CDC, 2010. (slides)
- A.M. Nagy, B. Marx, G. Mourot, J. Ragot, G. Schutz, State
estimation for wastewater treatment plant with slow
and fast dynamics using multiple model, IEEE
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED,
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Observer
based fault tolerant control for nonlinear
Takagi-Sugeno systems: an LMI approach, IEEE
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED,
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Fault
Tolerant Control for Takagi-Sugeno systems with
unmeasurable premise variables by trajectory tracking,
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
ISIE, 2010.
- D.H. Trinh, B. Marx, P. Goupil, J. Ragot, Design of a
soft sensor for the oscillatory failure detection in
the flight control system of a civil aircraft.
IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics,
ISIE, 2010.
- B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
estimation and diagnosis of uncertain system based on
an interval approach, Conference on Control and
Fault Tolerant Systems, SysTol, 2010.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Fault
diagnosis for nonlinear systems represented by
heterogeneous multiple models, Conference on
Control and Fault Tolerant Systems, SysTol, 2010.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, D. Maquin, Jose Ragot, New
fault tolerant control strategy for nonlinear systems
with multiple model approach, Conference on
Control and Fault Tolerant Systems, SysTol, 2010.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, An
approach for the state estimation of Takagi-Sugeno
models and application to sensor fault diagnosis,
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC, 2009.
- A.M. Nagy, G. Mourot, B. Marx, G. Schutz, J. Ragot, State
estimation of the three-tank system using a multiple
model, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
CDC, 2009.
- R. Ojuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Robust PI
observer design for hybrid heterogeneous multiple
models systems with delayed measurements, IFAC
International Conference on Analysis and Design of
Hybrid Systems, ADHS, 2009.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, State
and unknown input estimation for nonlinear systems
described by Takagi-Sugeno models with unmeasurable
premisevariables, IEEE Mediterranean Conference on
Control and Automation, MED, 2009.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Simultaneous
and unknown input estimation with PI and PMI observers
for Takagi-Sugeno model with unmeasurable
premisevariables, IEEE Mediterranean Conference on
Control and Automation, MED, 2009.
- A.M. Nagy, G. Mourot, B. Marx, G. Schutz, J. Ragot, Model
structure simplification of a biological reactor,
IFAC Symp. on System Identification, SYSID, 2009
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Observer
design for nonlinear systems described by multiple
models, IFAC SAFEPROCESS, 2009
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Fault
diagnosis for Takagi Sugeno nonlinear systems, IFAC
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, State
estimation of nonlinear systems using multiple model
aproach, American Control Conference, ACC,
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Proportional-Integral
design for nonlinear uncertain systems modelled by a
multiple model approach, IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, CDC, 2008
- B. Marx, J. Ragot, Stability and L2-norm
bound conditions for Takagi-Sugeno Descriptor Systems,
IFAC World Congress, 2008.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Design of
robust H°° observers for nonlinear systems using a
multiple model, IFAC World Congress, 2008.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Design of
Observers for Takagi-Sugeno Systems with Immeasurable
Premise Variables : an L2-Approach, IFAC
World Congress, 2008.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Robust
observer design for uncertain Takagi-Sugeno model with
unmeasurable decision variables: an L2 approach,
IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation,
MED, 2008
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Estimating
the state and the unknown inputs of nonlinear systems
using a multiple model approach, IEEE
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED,
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, State
estimation of nonlinear discrete-time systems based on
the decoupled multiple model approach.
International Conference on Informatics in Control,
Automation and Robotics, ICINCO, 2007.
- D. Koenig, B. Marx, Observer Design with H°°
Performance for Delay Descriptor Systems, American
Control Conference, ACC, 2007.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, A
decoupled multiple model approach for state estimation
of nonlinear systems subject to delayed measurements,
IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy and Neural
Control, AFNC, 2007.
- B. Marx, J. Ragot, Controller and observer designs
for a class of TS descriptor systems with pole
placement constraint. IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, CDC, 2006.
- D. Koenig, B. Marx, Design of observers for
descriptor systems with delayed state and unknown
inputs, American Control Conference, ACC, 2004.
- D. Koenig, B. Marx, O. Sename, Unknown inputs proportional
integral observers for descriptor systems with
multiple delays and unknown inputs, American
Control Conference, ACC, 2004.
- B. Marx, D. Koenig, D. Georges, Optimal sensor and actuator
location for descriptor systems using generalized
grammian and balanced realization, American
Control Conference, ACC'04, 2004.
- B. Marx, D. Koenig, D. Georges, Robust fault diagnosis for
descriptor systems-a coprime factorization approach.
- B. Marx, D. Koenig, D. Georges, Robust pole-clustering in LMI
regions, a strict LMI characterization, European
Control Conference, ECC, 2003.
- B. Marx, D. Koenig, D. Georges, Robust fault diagnosis for
linear descriptor systems using proportional integral
observers, IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, CDC, 2003.
- D. Georges, E. Benoit, A. Chovin, D. Koenig, B. Marx,
G. Mauris, Distributed
for control and diagnosis applied to a water
distribution system, IEEE Instrumentation and
Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC, 2002.
- D. Koenig, S. Mammar, B. Marx, H°° fault detection and
isolation for descriptor systems: a matrix
inequalities approach, American Control
Conference, ACC, 2002.
- B. Marx, D. Koenig, D. Georges, Optimal sensor/actuator
location for descriptor systems using Lyapunov-like
equations, IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, CDC, 2002.
International workshop /
national conference papers
- G. Bainier, J.C. Ponsart, B. Marx, Anticipating the loss of
unknown input observability for sampled LPV systems,
, European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis,
ACD, 2022.
- J. Ragot, B. Marx, D. Maquin, Capteur
logiciel pour la détection de changement de mode de
fonctionnement, Colloque Interdisciplinaire en
Instrumentation, C2I, 2016.
- G. Mourot, G. Séré, B. Marx, S. Leguédois, J. Ragot, Mise en
évidence de l'éffet de la végétation sur
l'hydrodynamique d'une gamme de technosols,
Journées Scientifiques du Groupe Francophone
Humidimétrie et Transfert en Milieux Poreux (GFHN),
- S. Bezzaoucha, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Linear
Feedback Control Input under Actuator Saturation: a
Takagi-Sugeno Approach, International Conference
on Systems and Control, ICSC, 2012.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, On the
unknown input observer design : a decoupling class
approach with application to sensor fault diagnosis, International Conference on Automation
and Mechatronics, CIAM, 2011.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B.
Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Observateur à
entrées inconnues : approche par découplage, Workshop Surveillance Sûreté et Sécurité
des Grands Systèmes, 3SGS, 2011.
- T. Bouarar, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Trajectory
fault tolerant controller design for Takagi-Sugeno
systems subject to actuator faults. International Conference on
Communications, Computing and Control Applications,
CCCA, 2011.
- A.M. Nagy, B. Marx, G. Mourot, J. Ragot, G. Schutz, Méthode
générale de sélection de multimodèles, Conférence
Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, CIFA,
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Diagnostic
des systèmes non linéaires par une approche mulimodèle,
Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique,
CIFA, 2010.
- D.H. Trinh, B. Marx, P. Goupil, J. Ragot, Détection
de pannes oscillatoires dans le système de commande de
vol d'avion, Conférence Internationale Francophone
d'Automatique, CIFA 2010.
- D.H. Trinh, B. Marx, P. Goupil, J. Ragot, Conception
d'un capteur logiciel pour la détection de pannes
oscillatoires dans le système de commande de vol
d'avion, Colloque Interdisciplinaire en
Instrumentation, C2I, 2010.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, State
estimation of nonlinear systems based on heterogeneous
multiple models: Some recent theoretical results,
workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, ACD, 2009.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Une
approche multimodèle pour le diagnostic des systèmes
non linéaires, Workshop
Surveillance, Workshop
Sûreté et Sécurité des Grands
Systèmes, 3SGS, 2009.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin,
d'observateurs robustes pour des systèmes non
linéaires incertains : une stratégie multimodèle,
Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique,
CIFA, 2008.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J.
Ragot, D. Maquin, Multi-observateurs à
entrées inconnues pour un système de Takagi-Sugeno à
variables de décision non mesurables, Conférence Internationale Francophone
d'Automatique, CIFA, 2008.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D.
Maquin, Diagnostic des systèmes non
linéaires par approche multimodèle, Workshop
Surveillance Sûreté et Sécurité des Grands Systèmes,
3SGS, 2008.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin,
observer design for discrete-time decoupled multiple
models, Workshop on Advanced Control and
Diagnosis, ACD, 2007.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin,
of observers for Takagi-Sugeno discrete-time systems
with immeasurable variables, Workshop on
Advanced Control and Diagnosis, ACD, 2007.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin,
d'observateurs pour un modèle de Takagi-Sugeno à
variables de décision non mesurables,
international Conference on Sciences and Techniques of
Automatic control, STA, 2007.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin,
d'un observateur PI pour un multimodèle découplé,
international Conference on Sciences and Techniques of
Automatic control, STA, 2007.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin,
Estimation d'état des systèmes non linéaires par une
approche multimodèle découplé. Journées Doctorales
Modélisation, Analyse et Conduite des Systémes
dynamiques, JD MACS, 2007.
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Conception
de multi-observateurs à variables de décision non
mesurables. Journées Doctorales Modélisation,
Analyse et Conduite des Systémes dynamiques, JD MACS,
- B. Marx, G. Mourot, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Validation
et réconciliation de données. Approche
conventionnelle, difficultés et développements.
Workshop interdisciplinaire sur la sécurité globale ,
WISG, 2007.
- H. Baïkeche, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, On parametric
and nonparametric fault detection in linear
closed-loop systems, Workshop on Advanced Control
and Diagnosis, ACD, 2006.
- B. Marx, J. Ragot, Synthèses d'observateurs pour
systèmes Takagi-Sugeno singuliers à entrées inconnues,
Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses
Applications, LFA, 2006.
- H.Baïkeche, B.Marx, D.Maquin, J.Ragot, Placement
de capteurs pour le diagnostic des systèmes linéaires
en boucle fermée, Journées Doctorales
Modélisation, Analyse et Conduite des Systémes
dynamiques, JDMACS, 2005.
Seminar presentations
- B. Marx, Approche
multimodèle pour l'estimation et la tolérance aux
fautes, Séminaire COpHy, Nancy, 26 juin 2014
- B. Marx, J. Ragot, Introduction aux multimodèles et
obtention de multimodèles, Journées Doctorales du
GdR MACS, Strasbourg, 9-10 juillet 2013.
- B. Marx, J. Ragot, Estimation d'état au moyen de
multimodèles, Journées Doctorales du GdR MACS,
Strasbourg, 9-10 juillet 2013.
- S. Bezzaoucha, B. Marx, D. Maquin, J. Ragot, Quelques
applications de la représentation polytopique à la
commande et à l'estimation, Groupe de Travail S3
(Sûreté, Surveillance et Supervision), Paris, 11 juin,
- D. Ichalal, B. Marx, J. Ragot, D. Maquin, Diagnostic
des systèmes non linéaires par une approche
multimodèle, Groupe de Travail S3 (Sûreté,
Surveillance et Supervision), Paris, december 5, 2008.
- R. Orjuela, B. Marx, J.Ragot, D. Maquin, De
l'identification au diagnostic des systèmes non
linéaires à l'aide d'un multimodèle découplé, Groupe
de Travail S3 (Sûreté, Surveillance et Supervision),
Paris, october 4, 2007.
- B. Marx, D. Koenig, Observateurs pour systèmes
singuliers à retard et entrées inconnues, Groupe
de Recherche Systèmes à Retard (GdR SAR), Paris,
February 5, 2004.
- B. Marx, D Koenig, Diagnostic robuste et contrôle
tolérant aux fautes pour systèmes singuliers -
approche par factorisation coprime, Groupe de
travail S3 (Sûreté, Surveillance et Supervision), Paris,
February 12, 2004.
Master, Phd,
Habilitation dissertations
- B. Marx, Estimation,
diagnostic et commande tolérante de systèmes décrits
par des multimodèles, Habilitation à Diriger des
Recherches dissertation (in french), Université de
Lorraine, 2016.
- B. Marx, Contribution à
la commande et au diagnostic de systèmes
algébro-différentiels linéaires, PhD Dissertation
(in french), Institut National Polytechnique de
Grenoble, France, 2003.
- B. Marx, Modèles
algébriques de systèmes à événements discrets
temporisés, Master dissertation (in french),
Université de Nantes, 2000.
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