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B. Marx's Curriculum Vitae(la version sous-titrée est ici) |
Personal informationsBorn in Paris (France), in June 1977. Education
2021-2024 |
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Gustave BAINIER Diagnosis and fault tolerant control for LPV systems Co-supervized by Jean-Christophe Ponsart Funded by a doctoral contract of the Université de Lorraine |
/ 2023 |
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Mohammed BRAKNA Sensor and actuator optimal location for dynamic controller design. Application to active vibration reduction in a galvanizing process (PhD dissertation). PhD defense committee: H. Noura (Aix Marseille Université, Président), C. Jauberthie (Université Toulouse 3, Reviewer), R. Merzouki (Université de Lille, Reviewer), V.T. Pham (ArcelorMittal, examinator), D. Maquin (Université de Lorraine, co-PhD advisor) et B. Marx (Université de Lorraine, PhD advisor). Industrial funding by ArcelorMittal (CIFRE funding of the ANRT) |
/ 2013 |
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Souad BEZZAOUCHA Fault tolerant control for Takagi-Sugeno nonlinear systems (PhD dissertation). PhD defense committee: G. Scorletti (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, president), D. Henry (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Bordeaux, reviewer), O. Sename (Grenoble INP, reviewer), K. Busawon (Northumbria University), D. Maquin (Université de Lorraine), J. Ragot (Université de Lorraine) et B. Marx (Université de Lorraine). |
2007 / 2010 |
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Anca-Maria NAGY KISS Analysis and synthesis of multiple model for the fault diagnosis. Application to a wastewater treatment plant (PhD dissertation). PhD defense committee: J.P. Cassar (Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, president and reviewer), M. M’Saad (Université de Caen, Basse-Normandie, reviewer), D. Dochain (Université Catholique de Louvain), J. Ragot (INPL, Nancy), G. Mourot (INPL, Nancy), G. Schutz (Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg) and B. Marx (INPL, Nancy) |
2006 / 2009 |
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Dalil ICHALAL State estimation and fault diagnosis of Takagi-Sugeno nonlinear systems (PhD dissertation). PhD defense committee: J.P. Barbot (Ecole Nationale Supérieure Electronique et ses Applications, president), D. Georges (Grenoble-INP, reviewer), T.M. Guerra (Université de Valenciennes, reviewer), M. Ouladsine (Université Aix-Marseille 3), D. Maquin (INPL, Nancy), J. Ragot (INPL, Nancy) and B. Marx (INPL, Nancy). |
2005 / 2008 |
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Rodolfo ORJUELA Contribution to state estimation and fault diagnosis of multiple model systems (PhD dissertation). PhD defense committee: A. Zolghadri (Université de Bordeaux 1, president), G. Besançon (Grenoble-INP, reviewer), D. Bonvin (EPFL, Lausanne, reviewer), N. Manamanni (Université de Reims), D. Maquin (INPL, Nancy), J. Ragot (INPL, Nancy) and B. Marx (INPL, Nancy) |
2003 / 2007 |
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Hamid BAIKECHE Closed loop system diagnosis (PhD dissertation). PhD defense committee: D. Knittel (INSA Strasbourg, president), S. Lecoeuche (Ecole des Mines de Douais, reviewer), B. Riera (Université de Reims, reviewer), D. Maquin (INPL, Nancy), J. Ragot (INPL, Nancy) and B. Marx (INPL, Nancy). |
2010 / 2011 |
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Tahar BOUARAR Fault tolerant control of Takagi Sugeno nonlinear systems |
2009 / 2009 |
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Do-Hieu TRINH Fault diagnosis of Takagi Sugeno nonlinear systems, with application to aerospace and aeronautic systems. |
2012 / 2012 |
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Khadidja CHAIB DRAA Model reference tracking control |
2011 / 2011 |
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Abdelaziz HAJJAD Parametric fault diagnosis |
2024 |
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member of the recruiting committee for an assistant professor at the Université de Lorraine |
2021 |
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member of the
recruiting committee for an assistant professor at
the INSA Toulouse |
2021 |
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member of the
recruiting committee for an assistant professor at
the Université de Lorraine |
2017 |
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member of the
recruiting committee for an assistant professor at
the Université Evry Val d'Essonne |
/ ... |
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elected member of the
governing council of the Nancy School of Geology (ENSG) |
/ ... |
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co-leader of the
french working group S3 on Safety-Dependability-Supervision |
2014 |
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member of the
recruiting committee for an assistant professor at
the Université Jules Verne Picardie |
2011 |
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member of the recruiting committee for an assistant professor at the Université Reims Champagne Ardenne |
2010 |
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member of the recruiting committee for an assistant professor at the Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III |
2007 / 2011 |
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elected member of the governing council of the National Polytechnic Insitute of Nancy |
/ 2011 |
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member of the joint
technical committee of the National Polytechnic
Institute of Nancy |
/ 2023 |
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Doctoral Contract partners: ArcelorMittal (Maizières) and CRAN (Nancy) goal: Optimal location of sensors and actuator for active vibration control of a galvanizing line. |
2018 |
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Research Contract partners: ArcelorMittal (Maizières) and CRAN (Nancy) goal: Modelling and component placement on a galvanizing line. |
/ 2015 |
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Research Contract partners: EDF (Bourget du Lac) and CRAN (Nancy) goal: robust observer based FDI for sensor diagnosis. |
/ 2015 |
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MOLETTE - PEPS Mirabelle partners: LSE (Nancy) and CRAN (Nancy) goal: simplification and parameter estimation of a distributed parameter model of an experimental technosoil. |
2010 |
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COSMOS II partners: GIS S3GS (supervision, safety and reliability of large scale systems) , LAGIS (Lille), ICD (Troyes), CReSTIC (Reims) and CRAN (Nancy) goal: create and animate a multidisciplinary community in the frameworks of supervision, safety and reliability of large scale systems |
2010 |
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Emerging projects grant
partners: Région Lorraine and CRAN (Nancy) goal: model simplification for fault diagnosis applied to a wastewater treatment plant model. |
/ 2010 |
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SIRASAS partners: FRAE (French foundation for aeronautic and space research), LAPS (Bordeaux), SATIE (Cachan), CRAN (Nancy), LAAS (Toulouse), ONERA (Toulouse), Airbus France, Alcatel Space, CNES (French national space agency) goal: gathering industrial and academic partners to promote innovative and robust technologies that could significantly increase spacecraft autonomy |
2008 |
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Young scientist grant partners: Région Lorraine and CRAN (Nancy) goal: modeling, estimation and diagnosis of multiple mode singular systems. Application on flight control system of a civil aircraft and a wastewater treatment plant. |
/ 2009 |
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COSMOS partners: GIS S3GS (supervision, safety and reliability of large scale systems) , LAGIS (Lille), ICD (Troyes), CReSTIC (Reims) and CRAN (Nancy) goal: create and animate a multidisciplinary community in the frameworks of supervision, safety and reliability of large scale systems |
/ 2008 |
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FDI-R partner: CNES (French national space agency) goal: bibliographical study on fault diagnosis and isolation, and reconfiguration |
/ 2009 |
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EC2CO partners: LEM (Nancy), CRAN (Nancy), LCPME (Nancy), LSGC (Nancy), LBFE (Metz), G2R (Nancy) goal: a study of urban wastewater treatment, from the treatment plant diagnosis to the impact on the natural environment |
/ 2025 |
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recepient of an
individual award for scientific activities (RIPEC) |
/ 2017 |
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recepient of the
French award for scientific excellence (PES) |
2009 / 2013 |
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French award for scientific excellence (PES) |
/ 2003 |
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recepient of a PhD
grant from the région Rhône Alpes |
to top) |
/ ... |
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member of the IEEE
CSS Conference Editorial Board (Associate Editor for
ACC 2023, CDC 2023, ACC 2024 and CDC 2024) |
2021 / ... |
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member of the IFAC TC 6.4, Fault
Detection, Supervision & Safety of Technical
Processes - SAFEPROCESS |
/ 2017 |
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member of the
Editorial Board of Mathematical Problems in
Engineering |
2022 |
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DRUMOND LOPES, Université de Reims
Champagne Ardenne Jury : Z. Lendek
(Tech. Univ. Cluj-Napoca, Reviewer), D. Ichalal
(Univ. Evry Val d'Essonne, Reviewer), K. Guelton
(URCA, PhD advisor), L. Arcese (URCA,
PhD advisor), A. Seuret (LAAS), V.J.S. Leite
(Univ. Divinopolis), B. Marx (Univ. Lorraine).
2021 |
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The Hung PHAM,
Université de Paris-Saclay Titre : Robust path planning and control of unmanned aerial vehicles. Jury : P. Castillo (UTC, Reviewer), B. Marx (Univ. Lorraine, Reviewer), C. Maniu (Univ. Paris-Saclay), M. Djemai (Univ. Polytechnique des Hauts de France), S. Mammar (Univ. Paris-Saclay, PhD advisor), D. Ichalal (Univ. Paris-Saclay, PhD-advisor) |
2018 |
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Université de Lille Title : Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control design for physically linked 2WD mobile robot systems. Jury : G. Hoblos (ESIGELEC Rouen, reviewer), B. Marx (Univ. Lorraine, reviewer), R. Talj (CR CNRS, HEUDIASYC), R. Merzouki (Univ. Lille), M. El Badaoui El Najjar (Univ. Lille, advisor), V. Cocquempot (Univ. Lille, advisor) |
2017 |
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Université de Paris Saclay / Evry Val d'Essonne Title : Observateurs d'état, ponctuels et par intervalles, pour les systèmes dynamiques à entrées inconnues. Application à la navigation aérospatiale. Jury : T. Raïssi (CNAM Paris, reviewer), B. Marx (Univ. Lorraine, reviewer), Y. Bestaoui-Sebbane (Univ. Evry Val d'Essonne), K. Kozlowski (Univ. Poznan, Pologne), V. Vigneron (Univ. Evry Val d'Essonne, advisor), D. Ichalal (Univ. Evry Val d'Essonne, Co-advisor), D. Gruyer (IFSTTAR), J. Oswald (CNES) |
2017 |
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Abdelmadjid CHERIFI,
Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne Title : Contribution à la commande des modèles Takagi-Sugeno : approche non quadratique et synthèse D-stable Jury : V. Cocquempot (Univ. Lille, reviewer), B. Marx (Univ. Lorraine, reviewer), T.M. Guerra (Univ. Valenciennes), E. Laroche (Univ. Strasbourg), L. Seddiki (Univ. Paris 8), L. Arcese (Univ. Reims, co-advisor), K. Guelton (Univ. Reims, advisor) |
2013 |
- | Ahmed FAGHRAOUI,
Université de Lorraine Title : Modélisation de causalité et diagnostic des systèmes complexes de grandes dimensions Jury : B. Dahhou (Univ. Toulouse 3, reviewer), R. Merzouki (Univ. Lille 1, reviewer), B. Marx (Univ. Lorraine), M. Monnin (Prédict R&D), N. Messai (Univ. Reims), D. Sauter (Univ. Lorraine, advisor), T. Boukhobza (Univ. Lorraine, advisor) |
2013 |
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Université de Lille Title : Diagnostic des systèmes dynamiques hybrides à modes non linéaires Jury : H. Messaoud (ENI Monastir, reviewer), M. Chadli (Univ. Picardie, reviewer), F. Bouani (ENI Tunis), N. Manamanni (Univ. Reims), B. Marx (Univ. Lorraine), V. Cocquempot (Univ. Lille 1, advisor), M. Ksouri (ENI Tunis, co-advisor), M. Pekpe (Univ. Lille 1, co-advisor) |
2024 | - |
program committee of the Congrès annuel de la SAGIP, Lyon, France |
2023 |
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program committee of
the Congrès annuel de la SAGIP, Marseille, France |
2022 |
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program committee of the rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications, LFA 2022, Sète, France |
2022 |
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program committee of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering Automation and Smart Systems, ICEEAS'22, Tangier, Marocco |
2021 |
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international program
committee of the International Conference on Control
and Fault-Tolerant Systems, SysTol 2021, Saint
Raphael, France |
2021 |
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program committee of the rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications, LFA 2021, Paris, France |
2019 |
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international program
committee of the IFAC Conference on Intelligent
Control and Automation Sciences, ICONS 2019,
Belfast, Northen Ireland |
2019 |
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international program
committee of the International Conference on Control
and Fault-Tolerant Systems, SysTol 2019, Casablanca,
Moroco |
2016 |
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international program
committee of the IFAC International Conference on
Intelligent Control and Automation Sciences, ICONS
2016, Reims, France |
2015 |
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national organizing
committee of the IFAC SAFEPROCESS 2015, Paris,
France |
2015 |
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program committee of the rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications, LFA 2015, Poitiers, France |
2015 |
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program committee of the JD-MACS 2015, Bourges, France |
2014 |
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program committee of the rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications, LFA 2014, Cargèse, France |
2013 |
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program committee of
the rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et
ses applications, LFA 2013, Reims, France |
2013 |
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program committee of the JD-MACS 2013, Strasbourg, France |
2012 |
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program committee of
the CIFA 2012, Grenoble, France |
2011 |
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scientific committee
of the STIC et environnement 2011, St Etienne,
France |
2011 |
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program committee of
the JD-MACS 2011, Marseille, France |
2018 |
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session: Fault
diagnosis and fault tolerant control 2 conference: Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, IEEE MED 2018, Zadar, Croatia |
2015 |
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session: Fuzzy
Modeling and Identification II conference: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ'IEEE 2015, Istanbul, Turkey |
2013 |
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session: Fuzzy
Control 2 conference: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ'IEEE 2013, Hyderabad, India |
2013 |
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session: Fuzzy
Systems on Renewable Energy conference: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ'IEEE 2013, Hyderabad, India |
2013 | - | session: observers
for nonlinear systems II conference: the American Control Conference, Washington DC, USA |
2008 |
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session: descriptor
systems conference: the IFAC World Congress, IFAC WC'08, Seoul, South Korea |