Teaching activities
Since 2018, I have been teaching the following courses at Polytech Nancy:
System identification (4A IA2R Parcours SIA)
- Slides
- Introduction
- Case study: Qube Servo 2 white-box and black-box models
- Review of linear regression and LS estimate
- System identification for speed control of the Qube-Servo 2
- System identification workflow and the CONTSID toolbox
- Stochastic models for disturbances
- Identification of continuous-time transfer function models
- Tutorials
- Data-driven model learning - Tutorials
- Matlab files for:
- Labs or mini-projects
- Lab
- Homework
- Mini-project
- Matlab files
- Feedback about the course from the students
Digital control S6 (3A IA2R FISE)
- Slides for the course
- Tutorials - Solutions TD4_ex4_2
- Homework - Solutions
- Labs
- Files for Lab 1
- Files for Lab 2
- Exams
- DS final 2024 - Solutions
- Feedback about the course from the students
Data-driven learning for dynamic models (5A IA2R Parcours SIA)
- Slides
- Introduction
- SYSID in practice
- SYSID of MIMO systems
- SYSID of state-space models
- Data-driven model learning of Li-ion batteries
- Matlab files: Data_battery
- Simscape files: Modele_Simscape
- Tutorials and mini-project
- Tutorials
- Mini-project
- Matlab files for:
Control Engineering S5 (3A IA2R FISE et 3A M3 FISE)
- Pré-requis de cours
- Transparents de cours
- Travaux dirigés - Solutions TD
- Travaux pratiques
- Contrôles de connaissances
- Corrections DS partiel 2024-2025
- DS final 2022-2023 - Corrections
- Feedback about the course from the students
Robotics S5 (3A IA2R FISE)
- Lab 1 - Sensors and actuators of the QUBE servo 2
- QUBE-Servo 2 pdf guides
Digital Signal Processing S7 (4A IA2R FISE)
- Pré-requis de cours
- Slides
Control of Mobile Robots S9 (5A IA2R Parcours SIA)
- Introduction to the course
- Tutorials - Correction_tutorials
- Labs
- Lab 1 - Position control of the QUBE-Servo 2
- QUBE-Servo 2 pdf guides
- Files for the QUBE DC motor
- Lab 2 - Inverted pendulum control of the QUBE-Servo 2
- Files for the QUBE pendulum
- Lab 3 - The Ball & Beam
- Files for Ball & Beam
- Lab 4 - The Tello mini-drone
- Files for Tello Drone
- Lab 5 - The Crazyflie nano-quadcopter
- Mini-projects
- Control design for the AERO system
- Control design for the NED2 robot arm
- Control design for the DOUBLE robot
- Control design for the Crazyflie drones
- Control design for the outdoor exploration Rover
- Lab 1 - Position control of the QUBE-Servo 2
- Feedback about the course from the students
- Feedback from students 2024-2025
- Feedback from students 2024-2025