Sharib Ali, Noha Ghatwary, ... Christian Daul, and James E. East, Assessing generalisability of deep learning-based polyp detection and segmentation methods through a computer vision challenge, Scientific Reports, Volume 14, Article number 2032, 2024 (pdf open access).
Francisco Lopez-Tiro, Vincent Estrade, Jacques Hubert, Daniel Flores-Araiza, Miguel Gonzalez-Mendoza, Gilberto Ochoa-Ruiz, Christian Daul, On The In Vivo Recognition Of Kidney Stones Using Machine Learning, IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pages 10736-10759, 2024 (pdf open access).
Victor Colas, Marine Amouroux, Clarice Perrin-Mozet, Christian Daul, Walter Blondel, Photometric and Monte-Carlo modeling unified approach for the calculation of spatially-resolved correction coefficients linking simulated and experimental diffuse reflectance spectra, Optics Express, Vol. 31, Issue 16, pp. 25954-25969, 2023.
Valentin Kupriyanov, Walter Blondel, Christian Daul, Marine Amouroux, Yuri Kistenev, Implementation of Data Fusion to increase the efficiency of classification of pre‐cancerous skin states using in vivo bimodal spectroscopic technique, Journal of Biophotonics, 2023.
Sharib Ali, Debesh Jha , ... Christan Daul, ... and James E East, A multi-centre polyp detection and segmentation dataset for generalisability assessment, Scientific Data, Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2023. (pdf open access)
Jonathan El Beze, Charles Mazeaud, Christian Daul, Gilberto Ochoa‐Ruiz, Michel Daudon, Pascal Eschwège and Jacques Hubert. Evaluation and understanding of automated urinary stone recognition methods. BJU International, 2022.
Dmitry Yakovlev , Artem Shiryaev, Dina Farrakhova, Tatiana Savelieva, Kanamat Efendiev, Maxim Loshchenov, Gleb Zhemerikin, Marine Amouroux, Christian Daul, Walter Blondel, Igor Reshetov and Victor Loschenov, Comparison of the Capabilities of Spectroscopic and Quantitative Video Analysis of Fluorescence for the Diagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy Control of Cholangiocellular Cancer, Photonics, Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2022 (pdf open access).
Omar Zenteno, Dinh-Hoan Trinh, Sylvie Treuillet, Yves Lucas, Thomas Bazin, Dominique Lamarque and Christian Daul. Optical biopsy mapping on endoscopic image mosaics with a marker-free probe. Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 143, April 2022.
Victor Colas, Walter Blondel, Grégoire Khairallah, Christian Daul, Marine Amouroux, Proposal for a Skin Layer-Wise Decomposition Model of Spatially-Resolved Diffuse Reflectance Spectra Based on Maximum Depth Photon Distributions: A Numerical Study, Photonics, Vol. 8, Issue 10, pages 1-23, 2021 (pdf open acces)
Rafael Bayareh Mancilla, Bình Phan Tấn, Christian Daul, Josefina Gutiérrez Martínez, Lorenzo Leija Salas, Didier Wolf and Arturo Vera Hernández, Anatomical 3D Modeling Using IR Sensors and Radiometric Processing Based on Structure from Motion: Towards a Tool for the Diabetic Foot Diagnosis, Sensors, volume 21, number 11, 2021 (pdf, open access)
Sharib Ali, Mariia Dmitrieva, ...,Christian Daul, ..., Jens Rittscher, Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy, Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 70, May 2021 (pdf, open access).
Tan-Binh Phan, Dinh-Hoan Trinh, Didier Wolf and Christian Daul, Optical flow-based structure-from-motion for the reconstruction of epithelial surfaces, Pattern Recognition, Vol.105, September 2020
Sharib Ali, Felix Zhou, ..., Christian Daul, Walter Blondel and Jens Rittscher, An objective comparison of detection and segmentation algorithms for artefacts in clinical endoscopy, Scientific Reports, volume 10, Article number: 2748, 2020 (pdf, open access).
Nina Kalyagina, Maxim Loshchenov, Marine Amouroux, Christian Daul, Boris Kudashev, Walter Blondel, Victor Loschenov, Two diagnostic criteria of optical spectroscopy for bladder tumor detection: Clinical study using 5-ALA induced fluorescence and mathematical modeling, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, Vol. 31, September 2020.
Dinh-Hoan Trinh and Christian Daul, On illumination-invariant variational optical flow for weakly textured scenes, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol.179, Issue C, pages 1-18, 2019.
Prisca Rakotomanga, Charles Soussen, Grégoire Khairallah, Marine Amouroux, Sergey Zaytsev, Elina Genina, Hang Chen, Alain Delconte, Christian Daul, Valery Tuchin, Walter Blondel, Source separation approach for the analysis of spatially resolved multiply excited autofluorescence spectra during optical clearing of ex vivo skin, Biomedical Optics Express, Volume 10, Number 7, pages 3410-3424, 2019
M. Amouroux, J. Salleron, C. Huin-Schohn, S. Ali, S. Berthaud, P. Rizo, S. Schneider, C. Vever-Bizet, G. Bourg-Heckly, F. Guillemin, P. L. Coupanec, E. Galbrun, J. Daouk, C. Daul, W. Blondel, and P. Eschwège, "Clinical evaluation of a device providing simultaneous white-light and fluorescence video streams as well as panoramic imaging during fluorescence assisted–transurethral resection of bladder cancer," Journal of the Optical Society of America A , Vol 36, Issue 11, pages C62–C68, 2019.
Christian Daul et Didier Wolf, Analyse d’images endoscopiques. Mosaïquage d’images, Techniques de l'Ingénieur, MED920, 24 pages, Août 2018.
Christoph Blankenburg, Alexander Rack, Christian Daul and Joachim Ohser, Torsion estimation of particle paths through porous media observed by in-situ time-resolved microtomography, Journal of Microscopy, vol. 266, Issue 2, pages 141-152, May 2017.
Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Christian Daul and Charles Soussen, Construction of extended 3D field of views of the internal bladder wall surface: a proof of concept, 3D Research, vol. 7, issue 3, September 2016
Maria N. Kholodtsova, Christian Daul, Victor B. Loschenov and Walter C.P.M. Blondel, Spatially and spectrally resolved particle swarm optimization for precise optical property estimation using diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy, Optics Express, vol. 24, number 12, pages 12682-12700, 2016 (pdf, open access).
Christoph Blankenburg, Christian Daul and Joachim Ohser, Estimating torsion of digital curves using 3D image analysis, Image Analysis and Stereology, vol. 35, n°2, pages 81-91, 2016 (pdf, open access).
Sharib Ali, Christian Daul, Ernest Galbrun, and Walter Blondel, Illumination invariant optical flow using neighborhood descriptors, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 145, pages 95-110, April 2016.
Sharib Ali, Christian Daul, Ernest Galbrun, François Guillemin and Walter Blondel, Anisotropic motion estimation on edge preserving Riesz wavelets for robust video mosaicing, Pattern Recognition, vol.51, issue C, pages 425-442, March 2016.
Nina Kalyagina, Tatiana Savelieva, Walter Blondel, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf,and Victor Loschenov, Two-Stage Analysis on Models for Quantitative Differentiation of Early-Pathological Bladder States, International Journal of Photoenergy, Special Issue on Novel Photomedicine, Article ID 230829, 7 pages, 2014 (pdf, open access)
Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Charles Soussen, Christian Daul, Walter C.P.M. Blondel, Didier Wolf. Flexible calibration of structured-light systems projecting point patterns, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 117, issue 10, pages 1468-1481, 2013.
Hector Perez-Ponce, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf, Alain Noel. Validation of a digital mammographic unit model for an objective and highly automated clinical image quality assessment, Medical Engineering and Physics, vol. 35, issue 8, pages 1089-1096, 2013.
Thomas Weibel, Christian Daul Didier Wolf, Ronald Rösch, François Guillemin. Graph based construction of textured large field of view mosaics for bladder cancer diagnosis, Pattern Recognition, vol. 45, issue 12, pages 4138-4150, 2012.
Alain Tiedeu, Christian Daul, Aude Kentsop, Pierre Graebling, Didier Wolf, Texture-based analysis of clustered microcalcifications detected on mammograms, Digital Signal Processing, vol. 22, issue 1, pages 124-132, 2012.
Hector Perez-Ponce, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf, Alain Noel. Computation of realistic virtual phantom images for an objective lesion detectability assessment in digital mammography, Medical Engineering and Physics, vol. 33, issue 10, pages 1276-1286, 2011.
Nina Kalyagina, Victor Loschenov, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf, Walter Blondel , Tatiana Savelieva. Experimental and Monte Carlo investigation of visible diffuse reflectance imaging sensitivity to diffusing particle size changes in an optical model of a bladder wall. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, vol. 105, issue 3 pages 631-639, 2011.
Yahir Hernandez-Mier, Walter Blondel, Christian Daul Didier Wolf, François Guillemin, Fast construction of panoramic images for cystoscopic exploration, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 34, issue 7, pages 579-592, 2010.
Christian Daul, Juan Lopez-Hernandez, Didier Wolf, Gilles Karcher, Gérard Ethevenot, 3-D multimodal cardiac data superimposition using 2-D image registration and 3-D reconstruction from multiple views, Image and Vision Computing, vol. 27, issue 6, pages 790-802, 2009.
Rosebet Miranda, Christian Daul, Walter Blondel, Yahir Hernandez-Mier, Didier Wolf, François Guillemin. Mosaicing of bladder endoscopic image sequences: distortion calibration and registration algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55, issue 2, pages 541-553, 2008.
Alain Noel, Christian Daul, Pierre Aletti, Didier Wolf, Claude Iung, De nouvelles modalités de traitement avec de nouvelles modalités d'imagerie, Radioprotection, vol. 41, issue 5, pages 177-196, 2007 (pdf, free access).
Ruben Posada, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf, Pierre Aletti. Towards a non Invasive Intracranial Tumor Irradiation using 3-D Optical Imaging and Multimodal data Registration, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 14 pages, ID 62030, 2007 (pdf, open access).
Walter Blondel, Christian Daul, Sandrine Villette, Rosebet Miranda, Yahir Hernandez-Mier, Geneviève Bourg-Heckly, Didier Wolf. Spectro-imagerie endoscopique d'autofluorescence et cartographie 2D pour la localisation et le diagnostic in situ de lésions cancéreuses, Traitement du Signal, vol. 23 pages 213-233, 2006 (pdf, free access).
- Christian Daul, Pierre Graebling, Alain Tiedeu, Didier Wolf.. 3-D reconstruction of microcalcification clusters using stereo-imaging: algorithm and mammographic unit calibration, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 52, issue 12, pages 2058-2073, 2005.
Alain Tiedeu, Christian Daul, Pierre Graebling, Didier Wolf. Correspondences between microcalcification projections on two mammographic views acquired with digital systems. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 29, issue 7, pages 543-553, October 2005.
Alain Tiedeu, Bruno Boyer, Joseph. Stinès, Christian Daul, Pierre Graebling, Dideir Wolf et S. Domngang. Mise en correspondance de microcalcifications mammaires radiographiées sous différents angles, Journal de radiologie, Vol. 86, issue 12-C1, pages 1789-1794, décembre 2005.
Christian Daul, Pierre Graebling, Alain Tiedeu, Serge. Neossi, Joseph Stinès et Didier Wolf. Reconstruction 3D des foyers de microcalcifications : calibration du système et algorithme. Le sein, vol. 12, issue 1-2, pages 31-40, 2002.
Gaëlle Valet, Stéphane Sanchez, Gilles. Karcher, Chritian Daul et Didier Wolf. Segmentation et recalage en imagerie cardiaque multimodalités, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, Visualisation, Image Modélisation, vol. 15, issue 78, pages 181-187, 2001.
Didier Wolf, Régid Gresson, Joseph Stinès, Christian Daul et P. Troufléau. Reconstruction 3D des foyers de microcalcifications, Journal de radiologie, Vol. 82, issue 6, pages 647-651, Juin 2001.
Christian Daul, Ronald Rösch and Bernhard Claus, Building a color classification system for textured and hue homogeneous surfaces: system calibration and algorithm, Machine Vision and Applications, vol. 12, issue. 3, pages 137-148, October 2000.
Christian Daul, Pierre Graebling and Ernest Hirsch, From the Hough transform to a new approach for the detection and approximation of elliptical arcs, Computer Vision and Image Understanding , vol. 72, issue. 3, pages 215-236, December 1998.
Ernest Hirsch, Christian Daul, Cyril Boucher et Pierre. Graebling. Implémentation et application de systèmes de vision construits autours de structures hétérogènes distribuées à processeurs parallèles, Les calculateurs parallèles, vol. 6, issue 3, pages 67-72, 199
Francisco Lopez, Andres Varelo, Oscar Hinojosa, Mauricio Mendez, Dinh Hoan Trinh, Yonathan ElBeze, Jacques Hubert, Vincent Estrade, Miguel Gonzalez, Gilberto Ochoa, Christian Daul, Assessing deep learning methods for the identification of kidney stones in endoscopic images, Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Guadalajara, Mexico, pages 2778-2781, 2021.
R Bayareh Mancilla, Christian Daul, J Gutiérrez Martínez, L Leija Salas, Didier Wolf, A Vera Hernández,A quantitative method for the detection of temperature differences on the sole of the foot in diabetic patients, Global Medical Engineering Physics Exchanges/Pan American Health Care Exchanges (GMEPE/PAHCE), March 2021.
Victor Colas, Christian Daul, Gregoire Khairallah, Marine Amouroux, Walter Blondel, Influence of human epidermal thickness on penetration depth of detected photons in spatially-resolved diffuse reflectance spectroscopy: a numerical study, Proc. SPIE, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells, Volume 11640, 2021.
Rafael Bayareh Mancilla, Christian Daul, Josefina Gutierrez Martínez, Arturo Vera Hernández, Didier Wolf, Lorenzo Leija Salas,Detection of Sore-risk Regions on the Foot Sole with Digital Image Processing and Passive Thermography in Diabetic Patients, 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), Mexico City, Mexico, November 2020.
Victor Colas, Christian Daul, Grégoire Khairallah, Marine Amouroux and Walter Blondel, Spatially resolved diffuse reflectance and autofluorescence photon depth distribution in human skin spectroscopy: a modeling study, Proc.SPIE, Optics in Health Care and Biomedical Optics X, Volume 11553, October 2020.
Walter Blondel, Marine Amouroux, Sergey Zaytsev, Elina Genina, Victor Colas, Christian Daul, Alexander Pravdin, Valery Tuchin,Skin autofluorescence modifications during optical clearing, Saratov Fall Meeting, 8th International Symposium on Optics and Biophotonics, September 2020.
A. Martinez, D.-H. Trinh, J El Beze, J. Hubert, P. Eschwege, V. Estrade, L. Aguilar, C. Daul and G. Ochoa, Towards an Automated Classification Method for Ureteroscopic Kidney Stone Images Using Ensemble Learning, The 43rd Annual Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pages 1936-1939, Montréal, Canada, 2020.
Tan-Binh Phan, Dinh-Hoan Trinh, Dominique Lamarque, Didier Wolf, Christian Daul, Dense Optical Flow for the Reconstruction of Weakly Textured and Structured Surfaces: Application to Endoscopy, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Taipei, Taiwan, October 2019
Dinh-Hoan Trinh, Christian Daul, Walter Blondel and Dominique Lamarque, Mosaicing of images with few textures and strong illumination changes: Application to gastroscopic scenes, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 1263 – 1267, Athens, Greece, October 2018
W Blondel, P Rakotomanga, G Khairallah, C Soussen, W Feng, D Zhu, H Chen, C Daul, A Delconte, F Marchal, M Amouroux, Skin optical properties modifications using optical clearing agents: experimental and modelling results, International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2018.
Maxim Loshchenov, Walter Blondel, Marine Amouroux, Rudolf Steiner, Aleksandr Potapov, Denis Golbin, Oleg Loran, Akobirkhon Babaev, Aleksandr Borodkin, Christian Daul, Dinh-Hoan Trinh, Victor Loschenov, Multimodal fluorescence imaging navigation for surgical guidance of malignant tumors in photosensitized tissues of neural system and other organs, Unconventional Optical Imaging, Proc. SPIE, vol.10677, May 2018.
Marine Amouroux, Sébastien Le Cunff, Khuram Faraz, Christian Daul and Walter Blondel, “Consumer vs. an innovative devices' ability to generate images for teledermatology.” in 2nd International Symposium on Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Bio-Medicine (PETBM), Moscow, Russia, October 10-15, 2017.
Walter Blondel, Rakotomanga Prisca, Charles Soussen, Christian Daul, Grégoire Khairallah, Frédéric Marchal, Marine Amouroux, Alain Delconte, Maria Kholodtsova, Viktor Loschenov, Overview on inverse problem solving techniques to estimate optical properties from fibered spectroscopic devices, in 2nd International school for young scientists “Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine, Moscow, Russia. October 8-9, 2017.
Marine Amouroux, Sébastien Le Cunff, Khuram Faraz, Christian Daul and Walter Blondel, Definition of image quality criteria for telemedicine-based consultation, in 2nd International school for young scientists “Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine, Moscow, Russia. October 8-9, 2017.
Dinh-Hoan Trinh, Walter Blondel and Christian Daul, A General Form of Illumination-Invariant Descriptors in Variational Optical Flow Estimation, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pages 2533-2537, Beijing, China, September 17-20, 2017.
Khuram Faraz, Walter Blondel, and Christian Daul, Global Adjustment for Creating Extended Panoramic Images in Video-dermoscopy, European Conference on Biomedical Optics (ECBO), in Clinical and Preclinical Optical Diagnostics, J. Brown, ed., Vol. 10411 of SPIE Proceedings, Munich, Germany, 25–29 June 2017.
Walter Blondel, Prisca Rakotomanga, Maria Kholodtsova, Christian Daul, Viktor Loschenov et al. On the estimation of tissue optical parameters from diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics and Lasers, Applications, and Technologies conference (ICONO-LAT), Minsk, Belarus. December 2016.
Khuram Faraz, Walter Blondel, Marine Amouroux, Christian Daul. Towards skin image mosaicing. 6th International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), Oulu, Finland, December 2016.
Christoph Blankenburg, Christian Daul and Joachim Ohser, Parameter free torsion estimation of curves in 3D images, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), pages 1081-1085, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, September 25-28, 2016
Maria Kholodtsova, Walter Blondel, Christian Daul and Viktor Loschenov, Particle swarm optimisation combined to spectral fitting approach improves precision for parametric estimation of tissue optical properties. In SPIE Biophotonics Japan International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 27-28, 2015
Sharib Ali, Khuram Faraz, Christian Daul and Walter Blondel, Optical flow with structure information for epithelial image mosaicing, 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society (EMBC), pages 1981-1984, Milan, Italy, August 25-29, 2015
Christoph Blankenburg, Christian Daul and Joachim Ohser, Torsion of particle trajectories trough pore space and its estimation using information on local pixel configurations, 14th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis, in Acta Stereologica, Liège, Belgium, July 7-10, 2015.
Sharib Ali, Christian Daul, Ernest Galbrun, Marine Amouroux, François Guillemin and Walter Blondel, Robust bladder image registration by redefining data-term in total variational approach, SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing conference, Orlando, USA, 21-26 February 2015.
Sharib Ali, Christian Daul and Walter Blondel, Robust and accurate optical flow estimation for weak texture and varying illumination conditions: Application to cystoscopy, Int. Conf. on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA), pages 140-145, Paris, France, October 2014
Maria Kholodtsova, Viktor Loschenov, Christian Daul, and Walter Blondel, Particle swarm optimisation algorithm for Monte Carlo-based inverse problem solving, Int. Conf. on Laser Optics, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 30-July 4 2014
Maria Kholodtsova, Christian Daul, Marine Amouroux, Viktor Loschenov and Walter Blondel, Preprocessing method to improve optical parameters estimation in Monte Carlo-based inverse problem solving, SPIE Photonics Europe: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care, Brussels, Belgium, April 2014
Sharib Ali, Christian Daul, Thomas Weibel and Walter Blondel. Fast mosaicing of cystoscopic images from dense correspondence: combined SURF and TV-L1 optical flow method, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), pages 1291-1295, Melbourne, Australia, 2013.
Thomas Weibel, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf and Ronald Rösch, Contrast-enhancing seam detection and blending using graph cuts, 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pages 2732-2735, Tsukuba , Japan, November 11-15 2012.
Nina Kalyagina, Tatiana Savelieva, Walter Blondel Christian Daul, Didier Wolf and Viktor Loschenov. Endoscopic analysis of Diffuse-reflected light for bladder early cancer detection, 15th International Conference on Laser Optics, St Petersburg, Russia, June 25-29 2012
Thomas Weibel, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf and Ronald Rösch. Planarity-enforcing higher-order graph cut, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), pages 41-44, Bruxels, Belgium, 2011.
Nina Kalyagina, Tatiana Savelieva, Viktor Loschenov.,Walter Blondel, Christian Daul, and Didier Wolf. Analytical study of surface diffuse- reflectance signals from thin biological media, International School for Junior Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics and Biophysics, Saratov Fall Meeting (SFM'11) , Saratov, Russia, September 27-30 2011.
Nina Kalyagina, Walter Blondel, Christian Daul, Tatiana Savelieva, Didier Wolf and Viktor Loschenov. Diffuse-reflectance spectroscopic and imaging diagnostic methods for urinary bladder, 19th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT'), pages 38-39 Golden Sand, Bulgaria, September 3-8 2011
Thomas Weibel, Christian Daul, Ronald Rösch and Didier Wolf, Endoscopic bladder image registration using sparse graph cuts. In 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong-Kong, China, September 26-29, pages 157-160, 2010.
Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Charles Soussen, Christian Daul, Walter Blondel and Didier Wolf, Flexible projector calibration for active stereoscopic systems, In 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong-Kong, China, September 26-29, pages 4241-4244, 2010.
Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Christian Daul, Charles Soussen, Ahmed Rekik and Walter Blondel A novel 3D surface construction approach: application to three-dimensional endoscopic data, In 17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong-Kong, China, September 26-29, pages 4425-4428, 2010.
Nina Kalyagina, Victor Loschenov, Didier Wolf, Christian Daul and Walter Blondel. Experimental investigation and mathematical modelling of Diffuse Reflectance in thin biological layers, International School for Junior Scientists and Students on Optics, Laser Physics and Biophysics - Saratov Fall Meeting SFM'10, Saratov, Russie, October 2010.
Nina Kalyagina, Viktor Loschenov, Didier Wolf., Christian Daul and Walter Blondel. Experimental investigation of diffuse reflectance imaging sensitivity to diffusing particle size changes in an optical model of bladder, Advanced Laser Technologies Conference (ALT'10), Egmond aan Zee, Pays-Bas, September 11-16 2010.
Christian Daul, Walter Blondel, Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Rosebet Miranda, Charles Soussen, Didier Wolf and François Guillemin. From 2D towards 3D cartography of hollow organs, 7th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE 2010), pages 285-293, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico, September 8-10 2010.
Nina Kalyagina, Viktor Loschenov, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf and Walter Blondel, Development of a light diffusion investigation method in thin layers of biological tissues, Symposium on Laser Medical Applications (LMA'10), Russia, July 2010.
Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Charles Soussen, Walter Blondel, Christian Daul and Didier Wolf. Comparative study of image registration techniques for bladder video-endoscopy, European Conference on Biomedical Optics (ECBO), Munich, Germany, June 14-18 2009.
Sophie Olijnyk, Yahir Hernandez-Mier, Walter Blondel, Christian Daul and Didier Wolf, Combination of panoramic and fluorescence endoscopic images to obtain tumor spatial distribution information useful for bladder cancer detection, European Conferences on Biomedical Optics ECBO), Munich, Germany June 2007.
Yahir Hernandez-Mier, Walter Blondel, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf, Geneviève Bourg-Heckly. 2-D panoramas from cystoscopic image sequences and potential application to fluorescence imaging, 6th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (MCBMS'06), pages 291-296, Reims, France, September 2006.
Alain Tiedeu, Aude D. Kentsop, Christian Daul, Pierre Graebling and Martin Kom: Automated detection and classification of clusters of microcalcifications in mammograms. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), pages 15-20, Yaoundé, Cameroun, November 27 - December 1 2005
Christian Daul,Pierre Grabling and didier Wolf. Towards a 3D-Representation of microcalcification clusters using Images of Digital Mammographic Units, 2nd International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE), pages 196-203, Mexico-City, September 2005.
Rosbet. Miranda, Walter Blondel, Christian. Daul, Yahir Hernandez-Mier and Didier Wolf. A simplified method of video-endoscopic image barrel distortion correction based on grey level registration. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP’04), pages 3383-3386, Singapore, 2004.
Ruben Posada, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf and Pierre Aletti. Towards a fractioned treatment in conformal radiotherapy using 3D-multimodal data registration, Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), pages 1911-1914, Singapore, October 24-27 2004.
Gaëlle Valet, Stéphane. Sanchez, Juan Lopez, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf and Gilles Karcher. Towards a new diagnosis aid of cardiovascular diseases using 2D-multimodal data registration and 3D-data superimposition, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), pages 1907-1910, Singapore, October 24-27 2004.
Rosbet Miranda, Yahir Hernandez-Mier, Christian Daul, Walter Blondel and Didier Wolf. Mosacing of medical video-endoscopic images : data quality improvement and algorithm testing. IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE) and Tenth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIE), Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico, September 2004.
Didier Wolf, Stéphane Sanchez, Gaëlle Valet, Christian Daul, and Gilles Karcher. Epicardial contour segmentation as a basis of X-ray and SPECT-data superimposition. IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE) and Tenth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIE), Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico, September, 2004.
Ruben Posada, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf, Rosbet Miranda,and Lorenzo Leija. Data down sampling for a fast registration of 3D-medical images in radiotherapy. IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE) and enth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIE 2004), Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico, September 2004.
Ruben Posada, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf, Pierre Aletti and Lorenzo Leija. Precise target localisation in conformal and fractioned radiotherapy. IEEE International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE) and Tenth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIE 2004), Acapulco Guerrero, Mexico, September 2004.
Ruben Posada, Christian Daul and Didier Wolf, New frameless patient positioning algorithm in conformal radiotherapy using 3D-data registration, 25th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBS), Cancun, Mexico, September 17-21 2003.
Stéphane Sanchez, Gaëlle Valet, Juan Lopez, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf and Gilles Karcher. 3D-superimposition of cardiac SPECT and coronarography data. 25th annual international conference of the Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society (IEEE-EMBS), Cancun, Mexique, 17-21 septembre 2003.
Stéphane Sanchez, Gaëlle Valet, Christian Daul, Didier Wolf and Gilles Karcher. Registration of cardiac tomoscintigraphy data and coronarogaphy data. 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC'02), Vienna,Austria, 4-8 December 2002.
Pierre Graebling, Cyril Boucher, Christian Daul and Ernest Hirsch. 3D sculptured surface analysis using a structured light approach, Videometrics IV, Proc. SPIE vol. 2598, pages 128-139, Philadelphia, October 1995.
Cyril Boucher, Christian Daul, Pierre Graebling and E. Hirsch. KBED: a Knowledge-Based Edge Detection System, Database and Expert Systems Applications, Norman Revell and A. Min Tjoa (Eds), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 978, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New-York, pages 344-353, 1995.