I am currently in charge of the 2-D/3-D cystoscopy project at the CRAN laboratory. This project involves researchers in image processing, engineers and clinicians (urologist and surgeons).
My current (and past) research activities focus on medical image processing. The scientific topics of this research concern data segmentation, monomodal/multimodal image registration, 2-D/3-D image mosaicing and 3-D data reconstruction. In the last decade, these research activities were mainly applied to four medical fields.
Cystoscopy. The aim of this research is to facilitate bladder cancer diagnosis, patient follow-up and examination traceability. To do so, the endoscopic bladder images of video-sequences are registered to build large field of views represented by 2D and/or 3D mosaics. Publication examples:
T. Weibel, C. Daul, D. Wolf and R. Rösch. Graph based construction of textured large field of view mosaics for bladder cancer diagnosis, Pattern Recognition, vol. 45, issue 12, pp 4138-4150, December 2012
R. Miranda-Luna, C. Daul, W. Blondel, Y. Hernandez-Mier, D. Wolf and F. Guillemin Image mosaicing of bladder endoscopic video sequences: distortion calibration and registration algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 55. n° 2, pp. 541-553, February 2008.
Y. Hernandez-Mier, W. Blondel, C. Daul, D. Wolf and F. Guillemin. Fast construction of panoramic images for cystoscopic exploration, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 34, no 7, pages 579-92, 2010.
A.Ben Hamadou, C. Soussen, C. Daul, W. Blondel and D. Wolf. (a contribution with first 3-D mosaicing results). Flexible calibration of structured-light systems projecting point patterns, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 117, issue 10, pp. 1468-1481, 2013.
Cardiology. The aim of this research was to superpose the data of two complementary image modalities, namely X-ray coronarography images (with coronary arteries) and SPECT or TEP volumes (heart muscle irrigation). The medical aim is to highlight the relationship between coronary artery stenoses and blood irrigation default in the heart muscle. Publication examples:
C. Daul, J. Lopez-Hernandez, D. Wolf, G. Karcher and G. Ethévenot. 3-D multimodal cardiac data superimposition using 2-D image registration and 3-D reconstruction from multiple views. Image Vision and Computing, vol.27, pp. 790–802, 2009
G Valet, S. Sanchez, J. Lopez, C. Daul, D. Wolf et G. Karcher. Towards a new diagnosis aid of cardiovascular diseases using 2D-multimodal data registration and 3D-data superimposition, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP-2004), Singapore, pp 1907-1910, October 24-27 2004
Mammography. The aim of this research is twofold. On the one hand, segmentation, classification and 3-D reconstruction of microcalcification clusters is done to facilitate breast cancer detection. On the other hand, methods for adjusting automatically the parameters of digital mammographic units are proposed to optimize the calcification visualization while minimizing the irradiation dose. Publication examples:
C. Daul, P. Graebling, A. Tiedeu and D. Wolf. 3D-reconstruction of microcalcification clusters using stereo-imaging: algorithm and mammographic unit calibration, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 52, 12 (2005).
A. Tiedeu, Daul C., A. Kentsop, P. Graebling and D. Wolf. Texture-based analysis of clustered microcalcifications detected on mammograms, Digital Signal Processing 22, 1 (2012) 124-132
H. Perez-Ponce, C. Daul, D. Wolf and A. Noel. Computation of realistic virtual phantom images for an objective lesion detectability assessment in digital mammography, Medical Engineering & Physics vol. 33, issue 10, pp 1276-1286, 2011.
Radiotherapy. The aim of this research is to propose a non invasive patient positioning method for intra-cranial radiotherapy. Publication examples :
R. Posada, C. Daul, D. Wolf, and P. Aletti. Towards a non invasive intracranial tumour irradiation using 3-D optical imaging and multimodal data registration, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, (2007) ID 62030.
R. Posada, C. Daul, D. Wolf, P. Aletti, R. Miranda-Luna. Towards a fractioned treatment in conformal radiotherapy using 3d-multimodal data registration, Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP-2004), Singapore, pp 1911-1914, October 24-27 2004.