Invited Talks:
26th October, 2023: Tutorial Talk at SAUTOS: Safe AUTOnomous Systems ( Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France ),
Safe Reinforcement Learning, Resilient/Fault Tolerant and Health Aware Control Strategies for Autonomous Systems Slides
17 October, 2023, “From Resilient/Fault Tolerant Control to Health Aware Control Design: Safe Unmanned Vehicles”
Didier Thelliol, Mayank-S. JHA (CRAN, Univ Lorraine)|
Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique 2023
6th June 2023, Invited talk at NASA Ames Research Centers , Prognostics Centre of Excellence: 'Safe Reinforcement Learning and Prognostics'
November 2022: Invited Lecture at NASA Ames Research Centers , Prognostics Centre of Excellence (PCOE lecture series),
on the topic 'Safe Reinforcement Learning and Prognostics' , wherein our on going activities at CRAN - Research Centre for Automatic Control on Safe Learning, activities on prognostics and control with Centre National d'Études Spatiales, and prognostics under limited data, were presented. Click here for more details and abstract of the talk.
Décembre 2020 : Invited Talk - Fédération Charles Hermite – Journée Intelligence Artificielle et Automatique : quelles interactions ? – titre « Deep learning and prognostics of dynamical systems under degradation » voir lien ici et lien de « talk » ici.
Février 2021 : Invited Special Session speaker - International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC) 2021, Republic of Korea, "Prognostics of Systems Under Degradation".
Février 2020 : Invited talk -- Korea Institute of Science and Technology Europe -- "Prognostics and Health Monitoring using Bayesian Estimation and Deep Learning”.
Juin 2020 : Invited talk -- Online AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academic FDP Programme on Artificial Intelligence (AI), National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Inde (voir ici), --“Introduction to Deep Learning”
Septembre 2020 : Invited speaker -- Workshop on Machine Learning with Python -- National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur , Inde.
Janvier 2022 : Invited speaker -- AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Programme, Indian Institute of Technology Jammu, Inde, “Advences in Deep Learning based prognostics”
Mai 2019 : Invited talk -- KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, -- Unit Of Systems And Component Design – “Deep Learning and Tribology, what links?” (ref Prof. Sergei Glavatskih, voir ici)
Invited Ph.D Thesis Reviewer (External):
Dr. Laknath Buddhika Semage, Robust and Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Physics Tasks, Deakin University, Australia.
Dr. Armaan Garg, Learning Multi-UAV Policies Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Flood Area Coverage and Object Tracking, Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, India.
Dr. Périclès COCAUL, Determination of autopilot control laws for launchers with model-free methods: from automatic to safe deep reinforcement learning approaches, Université Paris-Saclay, Ariane Group and ONERA Paris. November 2024.
Organization activities:
- Co-organizer of Invited session titled "Intelligent data-driven fault diagnosis, prognostics and health aware control" at IFAC World Congress 2023, (IFAC WC 2023), Yokohama, Japan.
- Co-Organiser of Health Aware Control Design in Aerospace Domain Seminar, Polytech Nancy with CNES, France, 17th November 2022. (See Flyer here)
- IPC Chair, 16th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2022), Nancy, France. See CFP here.
- Session chair at Prognostics and Health Management Society Conference Europe, Utretch, Nethrelands, 2017
- Associate Editor for 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'2020)
- Workshop and Tutorials Chair for 28th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED'2020)
- Publicity chair for 5th International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems (SySTOL), 2021.