Project Contributions

  • National

2023-2027: CRAN Scientific manager in ANR SOS Project (Self-Organizing, Smart and Safe heterogeneous robots fleet by collective emergence for a mission between academics CRIStAL and CRAN ( with industrial partner Lynxdrone (

2023-2025: CRAN Scientific initiator in GDR Action Health Aware Control Design in Dynamic Systems  between academics GIPSAB-Lab and CRAN (National Seminars, ...).

2015-2018: Co-Leader scientific Diagnosis/Prognosis manager in ANR LABCOM ( between CRAN ( and Predict (

2012-2014: Co-Leader scientific manager in the C6POD project (Collaborative System of Physical Objects and Drones) supported by Lorraine Council.

2010-2012: Lead scientific manager in the SAFFE project (Systèmes dynamiques tolérAnts aux Fautes et FiablEs – Ageing Management in Fault-tolerant control system design) supported by GIS 3SGS.

2009-2011: Technical contribution in the second panel of COMOS project (Conception et Observation de Systèmes à Mode multiples de fonctionnement Sûrs – Design of Safety Systems based on Multi Working Modes) supported by GIS 3SGS.

2007-2010: CRAN Scientific manager in the POMADEOL project (Plate-fOrme ModulAire dédiée aux Energies EOLiennes – FTC for Wind Turbines) supported by Lorraine CPER MISN.

2007-2010: Technical contribution in the SIRASAS project (Stratégies Innovantes et Robustes pour l’Autonomie des Systèmes Aéronautiques et Spatiaux – Design of Advanced Fault Tolerant Control System in aeronautics and space domains ) supported by a Fondation de Recherche pour l’Aéronautique et l’Espace.

2007-2009: Technical contribution in the COMOS project (Conception et Observation de Systèmes à Mode multiples de fonctionnement Sûrs – Design of Safety Systems based on Multi Working Modes) supported by GIS 3SGS.

2007-2009: Lead scientific manager in the SECTAF project (Systèmes Embarqués Communicants Tolérants Aux Fautes – FTC for Embedded systems) supported by Lorraine CPER MISN


  • European

2015-2017: Technical and Co-Scientific manager  in PHC Program between France (Univerty of Lorraine) and Poland (Univerty of Zielona Gora) on a project untiltled "FTC for Mobile Application "

2002-2004: Technical contribution in the IFATIS EU-IST-2001-32122 project (Intelligent FAult Tolerant control in Integrated Systems -

1994-1997: Technical and Scientific manager in the EUREKA MAINE DIALOGS EU project (DIAgnostics with LOGistics support for systems Supervision).