Dominique Sauter
Dominique Sauter
Dominique Sauter received the Doctorat ès Sciences Degree (1991) from University Henri Poincaré, Nancy, France (now Nancy University). Since 1993 he is a full Professor at this University, where he teaches Automatic Control. He has been the Head of Electrical engineering Dept during 4 years, and he is now the Vice-Dean at Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. He is a member of the Research Center In Automatic Control of Nancy (CRAN) associated to the French National Center For Scientific Research (CNRS).. Since 2008, he is member of the board of the Mediterannean Control Association (MCA). His current research interests are focused on model-based fault diagnois and fault tolerant with emphasis on networked control systems. The results of his research works are published in over 50 articles in journals and book contributions and 120 conference papers.
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